3 Interesting Facts About Non-Metallic Fabrication

Utilizing non-metallic fabrication and its resulting products is beneficial to a variety of industries and businesses. If you’re not already familiar with this type of fabrication, keep reading to discover three interesting facts about non-metallic fabrication.

Produces Products We Use Everyday

You might not realize it, but we use products that result from non-metal fabrication every day. Non-metal fabrication creates products that range from transportation parts for cars and airplanes all the way down to rubber and electrical wires. Every time you plug a cable into an outlet, you have non-metallic fabrication to thank—the coating over the wiring comes directly from non-metal fabrication processes. And this is just one example. Non-metallic materials are all around us!

Sustainable Benefits

Another fact about non-metallic fabrication is that many of the resulting products are sustainable and eco-friendly. Non-metal fabrication produces many eco-friendly building materials, such as cork, recycled plastics, reclaimed wood, and more. Some non-metal fabricated products even come from plant-based materials such as rubber and foam. This is one of the main benefits of manufacturing with non-metals over metals.

Unique Properties

Products from non-metallic fabrication have some of the most unique properties, which is why we see them in everyday products everywhere we look. Non-metallic fabricated plastics and rubber don’t conduct electricity, they are resistant to heat and corrosion, and they can handle pressure. This makes them ideal for a lot of tasks that metals wouldn’t be suitable for.

These three interesting facts about non-metallic fabrication show us just how important non-metals are in manufacturing and our daily lives. We use products resulting from this type of fabrication every day, and the process is even beneficial to environmental protection and sustainability. If your business is interested in your own custom fabrication services for non-metallic materials, reach out to Red Seal Electric Company today.


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