The Red Seal Blog

What Is Thermalate and What Are Its Uses?
Thermalate is a great choice for a variety of products. Discover what thermalate is, its uses, and the advantages it has over other non-metallic materials.

Benefits of Using Thermoset Polyester Sheet Materials
Thermoset sheet materials are strong choices for industrial applications. Find out why you should be using thermosets in your manufacturing processes.

The Difference Between Isotropy and Anisotropy
Scientific terminology helps with specificity, but it can be confusing to learn the first time around. This is the difference between isotropy and anisotropy.

Everything You Need To Know About Thermoset Polymers
Plastics come in all varieties, but one of their most important characteristics involves heat. This is everything you need to know about thermoset polymers.

How Calcium Silicate Insulates
Calcium silicate is a heat-tolerant substance, but how exactly does it protect against high temperatures? This is how calcium silicate insulates.

What Is an Electrical Standoff Insulator?
Efficient electricity management can be a challenge. Do find yourself asking, “What is an electrical standoff insulator?” Here is a quick summary.

The Function and History of Switchgears
Electricity management tools like switchgear are essential for safe and efficient power supply. This is the function and history of switchgears.